Tuesday, May 30, 2006

52 Influential Books #4

Three weeks ago when I decided that To Kill A Mockingbird would be my next 5x7 card in my Influential Books Series, I had no idea it would be produced at such a low period in my life. I had also decided not to use images from the movies or book to illustrate the card. So, depressing as this image may look, it is really all about timing and isn't that what life is all about really, timing? Sometimes it's just more obvious to us than at others.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Annie.

Joy Eliz said...

This is fantastic! Yes, timing...and learning:)

Joy Eliz said...

This is fantastic! yes, timing...and hopefully learning:)

Jennifer S. said...

believe it or not I have yet to read this book. I bought it recently and plan to read it soon.