Friday, May 05, 2006

Studio Friday - Sounds in My Studio

Paw Kitty as she carefully picks her way through my ephemera;

The tap of the computer keyboard;

The whoosh of papers as the pages of a book are turned;

The unfortunate sound of a cat being sick on the rug . . . again;

Gus scratching at the door to be let in;

The sound of the TV filtering in from the family room;

The murmur of Kris' voice as she talks on the phone.


Joy Eliz said...

I have to laugh about the cat getting sick...I am always hearing wretching at my house with 2 cats and 2 dogs.
I have a shoebox for scrap paper one time I looked down and saw my cat sitting in it like a chicken on a nest! And of course he looked so cute I didn't move him. Now I have to blow the hair off all my paper before I glue it:)

Going For Greatness said...

Isn't it funny how the mere mention to sit a moment and listen can heighten our senses? Great entry!

Lisa said...

Ode to a hairball...the sound of cats wretching is all too familiar a sound. How could I have possibly forgotten that one?

The red clock is smashing on the yellow wall!

Joy Eliz said...

I had to come back...I just saw your profile favorites...
I LOVE SciFi...I am so glad they have the SciFi channel!
I just saw Bride and Prejudice...(Bollywood is so fun to watch!) Have you seen The Guru...
And I think Griffin & Sabine was my first exposure to collage-like stuff. Love it!

Abbie said...

Ah!! I love the cat getting sick! I have too little miniature pinschers and one of them is always throwing up! Lovely post!
:) Abbie