Monday, June 12, 2006

One Deep Breath - Moonstruck

Photo from Stock Exchange
Halo on the moon
Outside my window glowing
Sleep descends on me


trailbee said...

That's beautiful, Anne. The photo's not so bad either! :)

Jennifer S. said...

great poem - makes me long for that peaceful, falling asleep feeling...

Colorsonmymind said...

So good....sleepy me

Susannah Conway said...

simply perfect - i love that your photo is similar to the one i took - whether we're in California or Dorset, the moon weaves her spell over us all.... Sx

Jeremy said...

What a soporific spell.

Kim said...

Lovely poem, it evokes such a sense of elegance and peace.

Joy Eliz said...

Oh!!! I absolutely love this!!!! Very beautiful!

Cate said...

What a lovely, peaceful haiku! It perfectly captures the comfortable (and happy) feeling of drifting off to sleep!

Star said...

Gorgeous picture with the moon glowing behind that crust-of-cobbler cloud layer. Your haiku evokes just the right tone to complement the picture.

Sarah said...

Isn't it nice that she's smiling down on you while you slumber?

Tammy Brierly said...

Beauliful words and photo to lull us into dreamland :)

Ian russell said...

wow, that looks a dramatic cloudscape, great image! wonderful observation, the spirit of haiku! excellent.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

that is is eerie photo.

i had recently read that they discoverd clouds that glow blue in the night time in some parts of the world. fascinating stuff

harmonyinline said...

The moon certainly inspired the poet in us.

madretz said...

Wonderful words wishing for a dream filled night.

Becca said...

The moon appears to be casting a blessing over the house, protecting all those alseep inside. Lovely thought!