Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Fourth of July

Steven Tyler and Joe Perry of Aerosmith rehearse
for today’s Fourth of July concert on the
Esplanade in Boston yesterday.
(GARY HIGGINS/The Patriot Ledger)

I went to Boston and Washington D.C. tonight. Will someone please explain to me how D.C.'s celebration could be so boring and Boston's so riveting. Okay, so it may have had something to do with the Boston POPs, and having Steven Tyler and Joe Perry on the scene didn't hurt either. Nevertheless, the D.C. package just could not tear me away for tonight's NCIS repeat. From Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" to Neil Diamond's "Coming to American", the Boston POPs celebration packeted a considerable wallop.

For years we've gone to the university's amphitheatre concert event and enjoyed our little fireworks display. Compared to the Charles River event, it's pretty small and fireworks and music are by no means in sinc but if the Stanislaus Symphony Orchestra had the POP's budget, we would give them some competition. Oh, yeah.

So tonight was a quiet night. The BBQ didn't happen. Family plans fell through at the last minute. But, we three had an unexpectedly pleasant evening just gathered around the tube listening and watching and I even made continued progress on the reduction of Mt. Break my Back Photograph. All in all, not a bad way to spend the Fourth.


Miss Robyn said...

sometimes it is good when plans fall by the wayside and we can do simple things. xoox

Beth said...

Your 4th sounded like mine. I spent my day doing some art. Then late afternoon, Daniel and I laid in bed and watched Harry Potters Goblet of fire,,we love Harry Potter. Then I watched our local channel at the riverfront downtown and the Nashville Symphony played while they shot off 40 minutes of awesome fireworks. It was more pleasant watching on t.v. than being down there in 90 temps with 100,000 other people,,lol.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Sounds alot like mine as well. I bought some roasted chicken and potato salad, some already cubed watermelon and Krispy Kremes, and we called it good with a little box of fireworks in the front yard, and the TV afterward. It was very nice evening.

Becca said...

The great thing about being a free people is that we can celebrate however we like! Sometimes just being home safe and sound is a fabulous way to honor whatever holiday it is.

Glad you're making progress on the "mountain"...I envy you that! I have several such mountains that desperately need attention.

Rosa said...

I was raised in DC and can agree that the fireworks aren't as good as they used to be. I think eversince someone said the Beachboys were too hard rock to play (I think it was Foot) for the Fourth and not "family" enough. As if! We were in Chicago two years ago, and talk about a bust. Those were the all-time WORST. So, I guess it just goes to show, you never know, do ya!

Deb said...

YES!!! We (Boston) certainly DO know how to rock the house!!! For all you poor souls that were not fortunate enough to be here for the celebration... visit us next year - it's worth the trip!!

floridaflower said...

great pics, was good reading as well