Monday, September 25, 2006

Passionate Longevity: The 10 Secrets to Growing Younger

I was tagged by MaryEllen today. I haven't been tagged in quite a while so this was fun but I think my entry is very boring. For starters, I'm not a Type A personality.

The Rules of this tag game are:
1. Grab the book nearest to cheating!
2. Open to page 123. Scroll down to the fifth sentence.
4. Post text of next 3 sentences on to your blog....

As a typical Type-A personality, I decided to run off my excess baggage. What I didn’t know at the time was the profound way running would change my life. I found some shorts that barely fit, bought some basic running shoes and tackled one block, one LONG block.

These lines are from Passionate Longevity by Dr. Elaine Dembe. Dr. Dembe is a leading-edge chiropractor with a thriving holistic practice in Toronto. Her book focuses on teaching how to keep relationships strong, discovering your life purpose, nurtureing your spirit, remaining fit and active, listening to you body, maintaining your creativity, exploring new opportunities, and facing challenges with optimism.

Hummmmm, I have not read this book. It was in a pile that someone gave me. I may have to look it over. The book was on the bookshelf right next to me so I just reached out and this is the one that slid out. Considering my age, the things that have been on my mind for the past year and the food plan (I won't say DIET) I started today, it actually was a fortuitous find. Looks like I have found my next book to read after I finish Sparks' The Guardian.

I now tag Autrice, Cait, and Tara


Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

YOU!! are the best found secret!! I love having tea with you!

Tammy Brierly said...

Fun meme! Good luck on your food plan :)

TMTW said...

What if the book you're reading has only ten pages... like Hop on Pop? LOL just kidding. This one should be funny...

Mary Bee said...

I already deleted my "Tag" post. It just didn't fit in with my newly found interest in ATC's. I've done 3 now. I can see it growing.

About your russian church. There is a church that looks similar to this up along the Sacramento River on the West side, up river from you. I thought that was what it was until I read under your photo.

TMTW said...

Alright, here you go - and it was quite fun trying to find something that could be printed!

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

How about if I read the fifth sentence of the 123rd blog, that I read? Does that count?

Annie Jeffries said...

blog book? Sure!! That should be interesting.

Beth said...

Hey Annie,,
I started my new food plan again today too,,"healthy eating",,not that "D" word,,lol. Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while,I have missed you! Rose joined our group,,her work is so great! Nice to be getting new members.
Hope your enjoying fall,,I am when I am not working!
Have a lovely Sunday!