Wednesday, October 04, 2006

One Deep Breath - Books

My father's escape
Understanding dawns clear now
Crossword puzzle books


JP (mom) said...

that was my grandmother's escape too!

Tammy Brierly said...

They hurt my head :) Nice job!

Catherine said...

It's all sudoku lately - my father-in-law used to do lots of crosswords though. I like both the haiku and photo.

Anonymous said...

I know lots of crossworders. Wish I was better at it!

Mary Bee said...

I love to do all kinds of puzzles. Putting together an ATC is kind of a puzzle when you think about it. They have a puzzle table at work, I do Kakuro and Sodoku too (have one at work for bored moments). But I do not do crosswords. Love words too. Wierd huh?

How you doing Anne? I think you are doing pretty strong, all considered. I sure think about your Paw. I'm sure he is still with you.

Ian russell said...

i like this one, annie. we had a mature student at college who introduced us to the delights of the Daily Telegraph crossword - we would crowd around it in the refectory, trying to solve it in our morning coffee break - but we rarely did.

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

What a play on words, Bravo!

Beth said...

I never was good at crosswords,but Mom sure is great at them. Hope you had a great day!

trailbee said...

I would have liked your dad.Used to tear them out and do them at school when the teach was late. Can't do sudoku for anything!I think you need a new brain for those.

Crafty Green Poet said...

My Dad too!

TMTW said...

Love the Haiku... and if that was a word in a crossword puzzle, I'd never know it. LOL