Sunday, March 18, 2007

Bridal Shower Memories

It seems like this week I've written about everything about the trip and various odds and ends since then except for the POINT of the trip. Between cold/flu recovery and second dental surgery that is still uncomfortable three days later, I just haven't been able to focus on the reason for it all.

I went to Oregon with high expectations and very much was looking forward to meeting Erin's family. I knew I couldn't possibly be disappointed.
After all, we love Erin. Quanah thinks the world of her family. What could go wrong? Well, in fact, absolutely NOTHING. We had a terrific time. Erin's family was warm and welcoming.

This was all a bit unusual for me. When you consider the fact that my immediate family is composed of eight people (Don, Krista, Quanah, David - my brother and his wife Yolanda, and my sister Marcia and her son Zach) and that Susan and Mark (Erin's parents) have seven children, several themselves married with children, you see that this might be a little intimidating for me. Oh, and let's also consider this; Don has no living family except for one very removed cousin he has not seen in a few years. So big family gatherings and all the family dynamics that come into play is very unfamiliar territory for me. But Susan was a dear and seemed to understand that it could all be very overwhelming and she took very good care of me while I caught my balance.

Kris, on the other hand, dove right in. Later in the party a picture of the sisters included Kris, Erin, Colleen, Erin's two sisters-in-law, plus one niece. Sweet Mary, who would have completed the picture, was elsewhere.

Sweet Mary attached and detached herself to Kris through the party.

Sisters and daughters and grandmothers and GREAT-great-grandmothers each visited a bit with me. I was stunned to see so many women, so many generations. It was truly amazing. All in one room we had granddaughters through great-great-grandmothers. I think I got that count right. Five generations of women, all together, all laughing and sharing, all handing off babies from one to another.

I'm still a little stunned as I think back on this joyful moment in time. I'm already imagining the wedding where there will be more family and FRIENDS, even a few from the groom's side. LOL I think we will have to share the groom's side of the church though at the wedding. But, No problemo. The more the merrier.


Susie said...

Looks like a lovely family gathering!
The pictures are wonderful!
I was blessed to have five generations of family for several years. It is something I sorely miss...

Becca said...

How exciting to have this wonderful, large family to merge into yours!

My family is so very small right now-really just six of us~ and two of them (my parents!) don't speak to each other. My daughter in law has a big family like that too, so it's good for my son to have an opportunity to have a large extended family (even though they're in Thailand!)

Gypsy Purple said...

I can SEE you had a great time...thanks for sharing it with us!!!

TMTW said...

What a fun shower, Annie! I wish I had been there.

Roadchick sent me a Meme, which I'm passing on to you:

TAG! It's a Birthday Meme!

1. Go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday, month and day only.

2. List 3 events that occurred on that day.

3. List 2 important birthdays.

4. List 1 death.

5. List a holiday or observance. (if any)

6. Tag 5 other bloggers.

Pear tree cottage! said...

O! Annie how could it all not be just so beautiful, everyone looks like they have so much happiness and love in them it just feels nice looking at all these photos and you my friend, it is so nice to see your photo and with so many who will be family soon too.

It is such a special time.

Have a lovely week.

Julie said...

My family is very small also, but my husband's family is quite large. I remember the first time I went to meet his family; I begged him to keep it small and he related that to his mother, who of course completely ignored him and saw it as an occasion to have every available extended family member come to meet me. I was completely overwhelmed. They were all nice to me, but it was sensory overload.

I'm glad you found Erin's family to be friendly and welcoming. Thanks for including the pictures in your post.

Janet said...

Annie, I have been away from blogging (again!) and I'm just catching up. This looks like a wonderful get together. I can relate as I'm an only child with a fairly small family. I think it would be a bit overwhelming at first but I bet you had a great time. Wow!...five generations! I can't even imagine how fantastic that would be.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading about the wedding shower. What a lovely family you have and the growing family as well!

I tried to tell you congrats on your bloggin anniversary too!!! Not sure it went through.

Beth said...

It looks like your son is marrying into a wonderful family. So happy for him and you get a sweet daughter too! Thats the best part!