Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Lucky Day

Sometimes things just come together. Just a few days ago Corey asked at the end of one of her posts what it was we loved to collect. My DH would have a single word answer for this question. Everything. Yes, DH who keeps very little married a woman who has a hard time letting go of things. In my defense, he would agree though that I have improved - somewhat. The big problem is that when you have so much it takes a long time before making a dent in the pile becomes visible.

Getting back to Corey's question - I though about it for a while and it suddenly hit me that it was my little collection of Frozen Charlottes that was the real answer. I had quite a few of these via my grandmother and over the years they were lost and/or broken. By the late 70's I had one left that I kept in a wooden basket filled with bits and pieces of shells, cacti skeletons, and small rocks. It was after my cat decides to take a romp through my room and disrupted the top of my dresser, that I lost this last vestige of my grandmother's gifts to me. And that is when I realized their true value and I started looking for them to recreate my collection. I still have the broken bits of my last one.

I haven't added to my collection for a while mainly because when I find them now in antique shops and malls, they are wildly overpriced. But after Corey's question, I was inspired to start looking for these little treasures on eBay. I found a few that I decided to watch and then bid on one whose times was running out. And lucky me - this morning I found a message telling me that I had made the winning bid.

My little treasure is being mailed to me tomorrow but here I share her for you all to ooh and ah over. Isn't she sweet? I have three more now that I'm bidding on. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

Isn't she cute! Since I didn't know what a frozen charlotte was i looked it up and found this:
Before Barbie, Cabbage patch and furby...

What a sweet doll to collect. If ever I find one in France I will collect it for you.

I am glad we inspire each other sweetie!!

Julie said...

I had to follow Corey's link to find out what a frozen Charlotte is. I don't really collect anything--no room to store a collection!

Gypsy Purple said...

I wish you all the luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't ever seen this little gems. Congratulations! and I hope you get more to add to your collection!!

Lila Rostenberg said...

What fun!
Good luck on your ebay "watch" items!

Daisy Lupin said...

That is so cute. I have never heard of a Frozen Charlotte, what is the story behind it and do they always look and dress the same? How fascinating. Good luck with your collecting from one hoarder to another.

Beth said...

I too have never heard of a Frozen Charlotte, but she is so cute. Congrats on being the winner on e-bay,,its always fun to be the winning bidder. Hope you have a delightful week-end Annie!

Anonymous said...

It's so amazing that the smallest object can hold a whole plethora of memories - much like smell and taste. Enjoy your new-found haul :)

Kristen Robinson said...

Annie my friend your words are os lovley and moving. I adore this little treasure, I will have to learn more about these simply too sweet!


Anonymous said...

How charming.
Good luck with the bidding.

Susie said...

She's adorable, but like most everyone else, I've never heard of them! Good luck on bidding!!

Rethabile said...

Just breezing through. "Frozen Charlotte" sounds like a dessert. LOL. Hope you're doing well, annieElf.

Naturegirl said...

She is sweet and you are deserving of this luck! I have no dought you will recieve more!It's Karma! hugs NG

Becca said...

These are totally new to me - but so sweet! Enjoy re-building your collection :)