Wednesday, June 27, 2007

If it's Powell's time, it must be meet-up time

There are more than a few reasons to visit Portland, OR. One of the best reasons is to visit the most amazing bookstore in the world - Powell's Bookstore. Besides being a sort of bricks and mortar Amazon, it is also THE place to arrange a meet-up. This time I had the pleasure of meeting Jone, she of Deo Writer.

I am yet again reminded of how wonderful the world is that we live in, that we can now so easily meet those whom we would have otherwise never known of even 20 years ago. Meeting Jone was like reconnecting with an old friend that I had not seen in forever. Sharing pictures, writing efforts, our love of books, discussions of our children and grandchildren, our dreams and hopes for our futures, was like catching up on the familiar history of long-time friends just long separated by life's various circumstances.

I discovered that like Jone, I have written sporadically since my teens. I actually have a few of those poems and short pieces. Someday, when I unbury them from wherever they are tucked away at, I will finally resurrect them and look at them with the loving perspective of 45 years gone by. It is through meeting other writers like Jone that I am continually inspired to keep working at this art, this brushless painting of word pictures infused with deep emotion.

I love that I was able to meet this gentle, warm, and kind woman; this person that I share a friendship with across continents and an ocean that allows me to give her a personal greeting from Rethabile and to send the same back to him.

And yes, Jone, Reno sounds like an excellent time for a return visit. I am just five hours from Reno, NV so I'll see you again soon and perhaps bring a friend or two with me.


Rethabile said...

Wow. Wish I could make it to Portland where we could all share stories and the love of books, writing. My greetings to both of you, till one day soon.

Wifey and I still harbour hopes of visiting the US in the near future. Who know what that might hold?

All the best.

Janet said...

I love Powell's. When we lived near Portland I was there every chance I had. Great store! How nice that you had a meet-up with Jone and more planned. The internet has definitely changed our circle of friends and how we meet others. I'm thankful for that.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Oh what a joy to connect with yet another kindred spirit!! You've had great opportunity to meet other bloggers of late!
When we get to Portland this summer I am for sure going to Powell's AND Saturday Market(I haven't been there in MANY years)
I also enjoyed seeing the photos and hearing about the wedding! It looks like it was a beautiful day and the newlyweds look blissful! It's always wonderful after all the planning and anticipation to have that perfect day!
I anticipate hearing more about your trip. G and I are taking a road trip to Seattle at some point so will be seeing much of the same!

Wanda said...

What a lovey meeting. Jone looks like a very special lady and friend. You look good too Annie!

Carole Burant said...

How wonderful to have been able to meet up with a fellow blogger! I can just imagine how much you two had to talk about:-) xox

Angela Marie said...

You two look so happy!

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful Annie!!