Sunday, August 05, 2012

Challenging My Writing Self - Day Five

Day Four of my challenge to myself came and went.  Except for this small haiku, inspired by Stephanie's rain soaked backyard

Rain's song splashes
Atonal symphony plays
And the world sweeps clean

there was nothing waiting to press out.  I cast about for impressions all day.  I met the bird lady and her gentleman at HOJ, ran into an acquaintance I had not seen for a couple of years and we had a nice talk, catching up on the kids and life.  Kris came and went with Tanner and flowers were picked up at Orchard Supply.  Faint drops of precipitation dampened the pavement just enough to leave a dusty, dirt-filled scent in the air.

Today I leave for my monthly meeting with Matthew's Ministry and then  desayuno para un (breakfast for one) at Hamilton's.  More studio moving from the resurrecting Krista room is on the schedule.  The room must be emptied by the 18th, her first of two move-back-in days.

I hope there will be more today, something more than a list of the what was's and what will be's as above reflects; something serious? humorous? inspirational? surprising?

We'll see.


Unknown said...

Happy that my brief little rain shower inspired :)

spent a cool morning in the garden, but the heat is on again.

enjoy your sunday!


Darla said...

I'm not a writer but I am certainly a reader. I enjoyed your haiku.

Hope you had a good breakfast.


Jeanie said...

Lovely -- and beautifully illustrated with that flower!