Sunday, July 07, 2013

In the ground

Yesterday's plants (see here) are in the ground now.  I have more to do.  Will pick up some color next week and more grasses.  I've also found some "how-to's" on Pinterest for making seed strips and planting seeds more securely.  I'll give that a whirl as well.  I don't have a green thumb but am always willing to give it a try. Sometimes things work.  I have so many succulents in the backyard that I'm thinking of getting some hollow bricks and transferring some of them in there.  Lots of thoughts this morning.  The point is to fill this blank area in.  It drives Don nuts that our yardmen clean up the weedy mess.  That translates as "the green is gone" in his mind.  I don't blame him though.  Something really needs to be done here.  So . . . I'm on it.


trailbee said...

This looks really nice. I presume Don is smiling. :)
I have a black thumb and watching my watering very carefully. Did you know that Lowe's bought out OSH? Our Sonoran OSH is so nice, but now will close. I really hate recessions!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, it looks like a really good start!

DHLOL said...

I once purchased her a sign, for that area, which states, "My Secret Garden".

Debra said...

Hi Annie! Your little garden is sweet! I'm sure it will fill in fast. I always treasure your comments at my blog. God bless you...