Friday, August 23, 2013

Good News

With the completion of this work below, we have done all that needs to be done to re-write our home loan.

We have been trapped in a terrible home loan for five years and it was maturing in just two more years.  After that our payment would have doubled.  We weren't concerned about that at the time of making this loan eight years ago  but - well - we all know what happened to the housing market.  It didn't take us long to figure out that we might be heading for trouble.  What a mess.

Anyway - Don joined VFW (Veterans of Foreign Way) a few months back and apparently that opens the door to many opportunities including a loan outfit that works with Veterans specifically to help them out of bad mortgage situations.  We didn't know that at the time and oh what a blessing that has turned into for us.

So now we are approved, closed, and the paper/checks are in the mail.  Vincent (above) was recommended to us through the pest control company that did our inspection and he is flat out awesome.  The man is a machine.  In five days he fixed our bathroom floor, removed dry rot from the front of the house, and replaced bad wood on our patio cover.

I am so grateful and relieved.  To add to the happiness, Krista has told us that she wants the house.  We have been TOLD that we can't sell it.  I would have never imagined that we would have a legacy home to offer our children.  Q is in Indiana with no plans to return and Kris won't be leaving CA anytime soon because of Adrian's very large family here.  It's a comfort to know that this home will be there for them in future years.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad for your news!!!! And what is this, your carport?

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Ginny. That's our patio cover in the backyard.

Hi Kat. Krista is our daughter who is getting married to Adrian in December. Quanah (Q) is our son. He and his wife, Erin, live in Indianapolis.

Anonymous said...

wonderful are His ways. so happy for all your family. L. Madonna

Joyful said...

I'm so happy that everything is working out concerning the house :-)

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased the worry has been lifted from you Annie!

Jeanie said...

THREE CHEERS! That is such good news, Annie. What a relief! And how wonderful Krista wants to be there. Oh, I'm smiling for you right now!

Marie said...

I'm so happy for all of you! My husband is a veteran. I'll have to look into everything that is offered to them. :)
Happy week to you!

Darla said...

Good news, I'm sure it feels better to have the financial pressure off.


DHLOL said...


The "W", in VFW is for "Wars" and not "Ways".

The loan company is New Day Financial, by the way.

Annie Jeffries said...

Oops. Predictive typo. Gotta fix that. Thanks.