Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sunday, 1:30 a.m.

Saturday was a wonderful day. I met Dave at Starbucks for coffee, visited with a friend I had not seen in AGES, and downloaded Picasso2 for SFASMT. I gave the computer over to Don so he's could continue working on our living trust and will. Yuck, but necessary. Plenty to do so I'm off running to jump into another project.

I've been waiting all week for a day like this. Work is such a drudge. Four years to retirement. Can't get here soon enough. I ended up getting my hair cut, stocked up on lunches for Kris, and Quanah called and he had lots of news for us re: Erin, work, school, comps, his future plans for the summer, etc. etc. I finished putting together my art journal binder, cut up my $3 Big! Lots poster with all the money images and worked on a page in the art journal. Unsatisfying effort. I'll work on it some more tomorrow. Continued to work on the babysweater and in between did dishes and made dinner.

It was a glorious day. A wind came in and swept all the clouds and overcast away. The sky was a clear, sparkling blue. Have not seen such a sky in several weeks.

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