Thursday, June 08, 2006

For Corey

Carthage, Tunisia March 2005

Timeless moving stone
Watching foundations emerge
Angels taking flight.


VintagePretty said...

I love the haiku! The photo is great - have you been to Tunisia?

Thanks for the comment on my blog, it's always nice to find new bloggers out there.

Take care

Jennifer S. said...

Just beautiful (perfect for Corey too!)

Anonymous said...

What a perfect view. What a perfect haiku. Freedom beckons.

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Ah Annie, I loved how you graciously left this as a comment on my blog! I thought it powerful to be left as a comment, I am glad you included it as a post, where it deserves to be!!
Angel you are!!

Tammy Brierly said...

Beautiful photo and words Annie!

Deb R said...

Lovely! (Both the haiku and the photo)

Cate said...

This is one of those poems that just speaks to me, so personally. Thank you for this. Thank you many times over!

P.S. Gorgeous photo, too!