Wednesday, October 11, 2006

One Deep Breath - Countryside

Bejeweled cliffsides
Rouged, wet, windblown brightness
Offer scents crisp and clean.


Anonymous said...

I just looked back through your blog, so many nice photos! You countryside is beautiful. Nice poem.

Pear tree cottage! said...

Annie, A great photo, you must enjoy the ocean and it looks so beautiful you could almost reach out and touch the water.

Now here I sit eating fudge factory farm white chocolate.............O! my! there are only four left in the little tub, now who has been eating them while I have been sitting here gosh that is annouying!

I am off to find a little something more to nibble from my lovely box. so will see you again real soon.

Ian russell said...

a really poetic haiku, annie. wonderful.
i must get back to the sea...

SLW said...

Indeed! A glorious photo, and those bright fall grasses... good job, AnnieElf!

Janet said...

What a gorgeous photo! And lovely words to go with it.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love the way the sea is sparkling in the photo there. Lovely words too.