Monday, October 30, 2006

One Deep Breath - The Unseen

Whispered words flow
softly through my heart proving
that she is still here.
Kind thoughts and prayers
strengthen, uplift and shelter;
warmly surround me.


Mary Bee said...

For sure. She will be with you forever. Most Mothers do not leave their children, they stay close.

Janet said...

That is such a wonderful photo of your mom....she looks so happy. And your words are very true....she will always be with you.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

she surrounds you, she is in you and you are of her...that bond cannot be broken. What a great, cheerful photo of her!

Anonymous said...

Really heartwarming. Lovely

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely thoughts. She will always be with you of course.

Catherine said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. I'm sure she is still with you - I once had a vision of my mother standing at the finish line of a race, cheering me on.

Anonymous said...

So true, Annie. Your mom's love is always with you - an unseen presence in your heart.

Beautiful haiku, and photo.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely photo. Your words speak truth. Those who do not walk the earth any longer are still with us.

Helen said...

So sorry about your Mom. A lovely haiku in memory of her.
God Bless

Sue Seibert said...

Lovely remembering.

Susie said...

A beautiful happy picture of your Mom!
Your Mom truly is with you now and always..

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful joyous picture to remember with. love to you annie :-)

Jeremy said...

That's a great photo Annie, and true words. You take care.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful photo, the sort that makes a happy memory.

Anonymous said...

Two beautiful poems.

Beth said...

She looks so happy here, what a great photo! Still thinking about you Annie! Happy Halloween!

Rosa said...

Oh Annie, she is beautiful. She always will be. xoxo

savvycityfarmer said...

To be absent with the body is to be present with the Lord

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Oh Annie!! This is truth!