Saturday, November 18, 2006

Sunday Scribble - #34 Hero

H e reached for me and never

E ver let me down.

R eason dictated that this would soon be

O ver, but it became never-ending.


Anonymous said...


This post is exactly what I like about your blog. I alway feel peaceful and introspective when I read it.

Mary Bee said...

Ditto to Julia's comment. Beautiful and oh so peaceful.

Rethabile said...

Nice. it says "Hero" in the straightest line...

GreenishLady said...

I loved this. Picture and words. Perfect representation. Thank you.

P.H. said...

This is so wonderful. Heartwarming.

Sue Seibert said...


Julie said...

The perfect combination of sentiment with photo.

Anonymous said...

enchanting picture plus wonderful poem.

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Perfection!! Ideal post!! You are a Hero!!