Friday, January 26, 2007


I drove around the lake at school today for the first time in a couple of months. Physical plant is emptying it once again and the bird life is making do with much less water. This egret and its reflection was a nice surprise and I was lucky enough to catch a picture before he got nervous and flew away.

Later at home I found a surprise in the mail from Deb Lewis, a little random act of kindness in the form of a handmade CD case. She could not have known how needed this was considering the stacks of CDs I have a work tucked away in envelopes. This is so much nicer.

Thank you Deb for this lovely surprise


Laini Taylor said...

What a beautiful gift to receive in the mail! Lovely! I am trying to find some woolens to send for the next shipment, Annie. I have scarcely been out of the house lately; hope to make it to some shops today. So glad you're doing this.

Mandy said...

love the egret!

[a} said...

The photo's awesome,
but I adore the CD cover gift! So unique and stylish!

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Egrets are often in my Father's rice field. Though I have not been able to take a photo as nice as you have!!