Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Librarian of Basra

Jone over at Deo Writer recently mentioned a children's book entitled The Librarian of Basra. She mentioned it in a comment on my Iraq Diary post. I was at Border's today to pick up The Rule of Benedict (and of course left with four books, not just one). But before I left, I remembered the Basra book and found one copy in the children's section. This is a marvelous picture book that in a very few words, conveys a startling message of bravery and determination. Even if you don't have young children, I would encourage anyone who loves inspirational true life stories to add this book to their library. You never know when you might have a little one sitting on your lap asking you to read a book to them.


Gypsy Purple said...

So nice to meet fellow book lovers!!


Jone said...

I am so glad you found the book. Its a powerful story and done it such a way that elementary kids get it.

Lila Rostenberg said...

I love children's literature and will look for this one!

diana said...

love childrens books too !

Pear tree cottage! said...

Hello! back from our small holiday and yes I think as a nanni of 8 I would find this a lovely book to have in our libuary as we have such a lot of hope that our little grandchilden will enjoy reading even if the oldest is only 6 at the moment but bless their little hearts if they read as much as nanni and poppi do.

I will try and find it when next we are at the shopping centre.

have a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I'm going to have to check this book out at Barnes & Noble.