Friday, March 02, 2007

Thoughts on Forgiveness

Do you remember one pivotal

Do you recall it as clearly as if you were there
in the moment?

Did it change you forever?
Are you stronger or weaker because of it?
Did you life become

Lost -
Uncertain -
Deeply insecure -

Will I be abandoned again?

At last a moment of clarity
of understanding
of insight.

A door opens wide.
Forgiveness enters.



trailbee said...

Did you ask, or was it just a gift given in time? I'm too stubborn to ask. I don't think my soul is open enough.

Beth said...

This surely hit home for me today. Thanks Annie,,your writing is so thought provoking! I hope you have a wonderful week-end!

Miss Robyn said...

yes ~ oh lord yes, I still feel some hurts of my past - I think they fractured my soul but they did make me who I am today - so although it was painful at the time - I am thankful for the gift that each hurt gave me.

diana said...

do I hear an amen ???? AMEN girl !!

Gypsy Purple said...

Oh how incredibly true and full of emotion.....and momories

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I have indeed been hurt in a way that could be felt in the pit of my stomach. I recall it and it's actually still present. But some things you cannot change and so you find a new way to look at it. OR weave it in and around the rest of things in your life so it becomes part of the tapestry...and therefore not so visible. Forgiveness...that's a hard one. If the person recognized the hurt they caused I could forgive it....otherwise I am afraid it just remains...hurt. This may not make much sense, but it does to me.
Your words really resonated!

Kristen Robinson said...

WOW abolutely amazing post!


TMTW said...

Amen to that!

TMTW said...

Oh my goodness! I just realized that March 16th is your 1-year blogiversary! Just in case I'm offline that day, Congratulations!

Naturegirl said...

To forgive to be free... of the burden of hurt or anger!Great post!

trailbee said...

These posts remind me that our enemies define us. We learn from the hurt and as we internalize them, they become part of us, just as lisa said. It is a learning experience, painful, but still so. I think you are very lucky to have had this experience, Annie.

Mary Bee said...

With this question, you might go read my new blog. Not my art one, but the other one I just started. My post today is about the affect a pivotal day can have on anyone.

Becca said...

I have experienced this gift of grace, and you wrote about it perfectly and beautifully. Thank you :)