Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Words to Live By

Don't die with your music still in you.
Be attuned to your intuitive inner voice.

Listen to this invisible companion,
express the music that you hear,
and ignore what everyone else around you
thinks you should be doing.

from Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
with thanks to Carmen for posting this at her site.


Julie said...

What music...there's supposed to be music? ;-)

Annie Jeffries said...

Yeah, Star. Turn those widdo ears on. It's in the air. LOL

Anonymous said...

As a wise older woman once told me: "don't let the world should on you." Seems like Wayne is on to the same idea.

Kahshe Cottager said...

Amen to that...

Hope you are having a great week AnnieElf!

Mary Timme said...

I love the 'should on you'comment as I love that quote also. Letting your music out is part of living with gusto and verve and joy, I think Anne. Go for it!

Gypsy Purple said...

Oh thank you......I needed this today....I promised myself I would make music this whole year long.....

Lila Rostenberg said...

There was a t-shirt that said, "I won't "should" on you if you won't "should" on me!

Have a great day everyone...I hope you hear lots of "inner music"!

turquoise cro said...

Phew! This whole post + YOUR peep's comments are so BEAUTY FULL Annie! Thanks!

paris parfait said...

Wise words! xo

Andi said...

I really need to follow this advice. I am not truly happy in my choice of jobs & I don't attend enough lectures on topics that interest me.