Sunday, January 27, 2008

It rained. It poured!

It poured today, thundered even .
Trees bent, rain slashed sideways.
The world was violently alive,
Crowned in its own vibrant light.

Liquid Icicles

Rain bouncing like hail.

An Amazing rainbow visible from one end to the other.

End of the rainbow

Stoplight and Rainbow


Susie said...

We're still having lots of cold and rain. It's been non stop the last few days..
Beautiful rainbow!

Bimbimbie said...

I love your words and the rainbow and can feel the stinging of that rain on my face from here. Smiles *!*

Bimbimbie said...

Beautiful words and rainbow ... loved the liquid icicles description, I can almost feel that cold stinging feeling against my face *!*

Pear tree cottage! said...

Annie what wonderful photos and I can understand your wonder of this moment in nature - shown at its best I feel.

The photo of the stop light and the rainbow almost makes you feel we are being told to "stop" "look" and "watch" mother nature at work doing what she does best - show us the wonders of our beautiful world, to be greatful for this very moment!

lovely photos - and lovely words you have chosen to share it all with us.

Your friend Lee-ann

trailbee said...

Great words to match super photos! We got the same thing but no rainbow!This is such great weather.

Mary Timme said...

Cat walked on the computer board and I've weird sized (take up the whole screen comments, but oh well, I want to say that you and Wanda took the best rainbow pictures and they are easy to get.

qualcosa di bello said...

that last photo...sort of says "stop & look at this gorgeous rainbow i prepared for you"...just lovely!!!!

Wanda said...

Oh how exciting...we both got to see that extraordinary rainbow!!
Love the capture you got of the rainbow in the trees!!

What a gift!!

Naturegirl said...

How wonderful to see a rainbow! I will have to wait until the rainy season..perhaps I'll see one soon in Arizona!!

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos, wonderful rainbow

Jone said...

What a lovely collection. I love watching weather.

One Crabapple said...

WOWWWW. wow wow wow.

and the stoplight ! what a clever shot !

Hope you are staying warm and dry !