Thursday, February 07, 2008

A.M. Courtship

The males have gathered and struggled.
Couples are pairing off.
Choices are still being made.
This happy couple has settled into a female approved courtship.
There was much harmonious noise around the fountain this morning.

Shall we peek out and make sure we are private?

Looking good.
Let me just hop down and we will
get to the business of nest building.


Anonymous said...

You caught such a delightful moment here!!!

Wanda said...

What a darling couple... I wish them the best...lots and lots of eggs in the nest. LOL:)

Marja said...

Oh what a gorgeous photo's The ducks sometimes visit us as well. There is a little river beside our house. I am often amazed how they cross the busy road and make it to the other side.

Cat said...

Sweet! I think I saw those two heading South from here a couple months ago. I hope they have a terrific life together!

Naturegirl said...

Annie you won't believe this but I have a male mallard strutting about my freezing snow covered garden!! I shall post next week! I think he is lost or disoriented because of all our snow!! Cute photos! hugs NG

AscenderRisesAbove said...

is it really nest building time? wow; when the weather turns in california it doesnt fool around does it?

Julie said...

I just loved this. It would be so wonderful to live in a winter world that is not all frozen and closed off and frozen. Maybe someday I will get my husband to move to California!


Miss Robyn said...

oh what beautiful ducks! where do they build their nests? On the side of a lake?

qualcosa di bello said...

oh, annie! that is just priceless! i hope you will keep us updated about the new family ;)

Lea said...

This was so fun... I hope you had a wonderful day in the city!!! XO

Mary Timme said...

Don't you love making conversations for the ducks? I love to imagine things like that too. See! We are a lot alike that way.

Bimbimbie said...

lol .... they reminded me of the weekend house hunters of we humans and I can just hear their comments ... she's a little picky and he's happy to just pick any place *!*

turquoise cro said...

Quack! Quack! Just ignore tourists taking our pics! tee hee