Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A This and A That

Not too much going on right now. I should count my blessings. Below is a photo of more progress in the kitchen. I've had the glass shelves forever but just got them installed. God bless DH. The pretty little olive dish is from one of the music department students. She brought it back as a gift for me from her recent trip to Portugal and the Azores. it fits in perfectly with my Tuscan theme, don't you think?

Below is a sneak preview of a little gift I'm sending to a friend who lives in the very northern climes. You know who you are so if you see these warmers, know that they are on their way to you today.


Pear tree cottage! said...

O! Annie, it was so nice to see you on my posts last night I am in the middle of a blogger "rush", too much to say and or show and I truly should be doing the dishes or something yerr! right!! This way more fun!

Anyway I loved seeing what a superbowl party was all about it looks like an event you could easily loose your voice at (smiles) I would yell along with you all but not knowing a thing about what I was yelling about, our football down here is SO! differnet and I can even have trouble with that too.

Your glass shelves are so nice and look lovely across the front of the window yes tell your DH that they add very nicely to the kitchen and your china pieces.

Look after yourself dear friend

Rositta said...

Your friend in the north is going to love those far 27 cm of snow with 10 more to come overnight here in T-Dot. Although after seeing the news tonight about the tornadoes in Tennessee, I consider myself very lucky indeed...ciao

gma said...

Hi Annie...I've been wanting to tell you how much I love the St. Augustine quote on your banner. The super bowl was here in my hometown(Glendale) this year...lotsa action around here.

Kahshe Cottager said...

Your shelf looks really lovely Annie! I have been on a bit of a blogger hiatus ... reading but not posting. I am finding things a little overwhelming at this time for some reason.

Tammy Brierly said...

Your daughter looks beautiful as a blonde. You should have an Etsy store because I'd buy a pair of these.

You better call me when you come. :) I would love to see your smiling face and bring Biene.


Julie said...

The olive dish fits perfectly. My kitchen is somewhat French and somewhat Italian, but I am definitely leaning toward Provencal.

P. S. I love you and you know why!
I can feel the warmth right now.

Love, Julie