Sunday, July 28, 2013

Monday with Mary

Two Marian thoughts to bring you into your week and see you safely through.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love all these tapers in front of Mary...

J C said...

Good words to start our week with, and to live by.

rebecca said...

i love this prayer to mary and i thank you for sharing it.
anytime we can stop and regather ourselves in love, kindness and compassion, the moment is born anew.

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I left a comment but I guess it didn't go through. I loved Pope Francis's quote. Though I'm no longer a practicing Catholic, there is so much good in RC--and Pope Francis is really a breath of fresh air.

Darla said...

Precious images and thoughts.


Priti Lisa said...

Yes! Trusting that all is how it should be is the way to live without worry. It does take all things worthwhile. ♥♥♥

Maggie Grace said...

I especially like the second image and quote. Pope Francis seems so much more open and lovable. I'm not Catholic. Just how I view him. Thank you for sharing these words and thoughts with us!

Nonnie said...

we are so blessed having Pope Francis as our spiritual guide! the image with candles in front of Mary gives us a taste of her warmth for us.