Friday, January 05, 2007

Building Blocks

I started my blog as a way to keep my memories and family stories for my children. It grew into a place where I could share my deepest feelings as my mother declined and then died. I was amazed by the wealth of friendship out there and discovered that friendship itself had been redefined. All the writing I wanted to do finally had an outlet and in the meantime my world was opened up as I met people in Afganistan, Turkey, and Africa. Their words and thoughts expanded my view of the world and this expanded view became another part of my ever-evolving blog. From family memories to broad world view, it has been quite a journey in a short period of time and I'm looking forward to more in 2007.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.


Janet said...

Thank you for reminding me of these five things. Sometimes I get so tied up with things that I forget to just live. These five things could make the world such a wonderful, peaceful place if we could all just remember to do them. I'll do my best.

Naturegirl said...

Nicely put! It has been a remarkable journey being a part of this global blog community!hugs NG

vicci said...

Yes...these things are true....Should we plan a "get-together" day???? Me...You...Lisa....Maryellen...and ??????? What'ya think?

Julie said...

Love your nighttime photography--just the right combination for your building blocks for happiness.

Deb Sistrunk Nelson said...

Great words of wisdom. You are blessed to have developed a sense of community within the blogosphere. Thanks for visiting my site. May all your dreams come true in 2007.

gma said...

I absolutely agree with you! Blogging has opened up my world. My life has always been full...but this new way of communicating with people all over the world adds a great depth to life. Also sometimes I say things on my blog that I wouldn't say to casual friends....funny but I have opened up to total strangers. One more thing it has renewed my faith in people. They are wonderful everywhere! To Blogging!!

Beth said...

What an excellent post,,and I do believe in the 5 simple rules. I hope your having a wonderful week-end Annie!

Susie said...

Hi Annie,
Love the 5 simple rules. I agree that blogging has opened up a wonderful new world. I never cease to be amazed at the caring, friendship and compassion one finds in blogland!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the "Five simple rules to be happy."
A beautiful way to live one's life.

Thank you Annie, :-)

Sue Seibert said...

Wonderful rules for life, Annie!

Mary Bee said...

I appreciate these words Annie. You are such a sweet soul. Thanks for the reminder of how many of us make an attempt to live.

Lila Rostenberg said...

It is so good to read your five simple rules!
I love blogging and find it quite my scrapbooking, it makes me feel as though I have organized parts of my life and accomplished something!

diana said...

love these 5 simple rules... I need to post them in bold print for our family !